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2020/4/15 Celebrate Passover/Easter for a Whole Week?過越と復活祭は一週間の祝い?

Updated: Apr 22, 2020

Arise 5/Catch the Fire Weekly Update: April 15, 2020; Nisan 21, 5780

“So you shall observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread, for on this same day I will have brought your armies out of the land of Egypt” (Exod. 12:17).

“And declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead” (Rom. 1:4).

**IMPORTANT NOTE: Our website,, has been hacked/has crashed and we have had to shut it down. When I asked our intercessors to pray, the immediate consensus was that it must be a prophetic sign to hasten the process of Arise 5 fusing with John Arnott’s Catch the Fire.

Many of you may have watched our April 4 service ( when we launched Catch the Fire Japan. We were making other changes too, including new websites. But now the crash of the old is causing us to hasten the new. Watch for two new websites in the near future. One will be Ron Sawka Ministries, which should launch early next week. The other will be Catch the Fire Japan.

Until then, follow us on Facebook at:

  1. Ron Sawka ( (public page)

  2. Ron Sawka Wade ( (personal page nearly at max capacity)

  3. MPP (

Celebrate Passover/Easter for a Whole Week?

Take a Look at Feast of Unleavened Bread

“Remind yourself and teach your children that we can’t let thoughts permeate and ferment in our brain unless they’re God-honoring thoughts.” –The Biblical Nutritionist (

What an amazing week it has been! There is a definite momentum during this time of “enforced” sabbath rest along with communion every morning. Passover itself was amazing. I truly enjoyed demonstrating a Passover meal two mornings in a row on MPP.

I also have to admit to a miscalculation on my part. I was going to stop daily communion after Passover, but I was reminded that Passover is followed by a weeklong festival called the Feast of Unleavened Bread. So, we adjusted and “resumed” our celebrating, including taking communion every day. And the momentum seems to continue to build.

We know that during the seven days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, they were to eat no leaven, nor to have any leaven in their dwellings. Of course we in the New Testament don’t have to worry about physical yeast. However, there are some incredible lessons the Lord wants to engrave on our hearts via this object lesson of “getting rid of leaven/yeast.” A few points are as follows:

  1. Pure faith in Jesus only—Leaven, or yeast, causes things to swell, ferment, or rise, which reminds us that the Lord doesn’t want any kind of human effort to be added to our faith. Nor can anything be added to the work Jesus did for us on the cross. Our role is to simply, humbly, and totally believe and accept His finished work.

  2. Tolerating such “leaven” will seriously weaken our faith—The Galatians allowed deception in and it flourished. They began adopting things from the law. Paul warned, “If you become circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing” (Gal. 5:2).

  3. Be quick to get rid of wrong attitudes, self-effort, and sin—Apostle Paul said, “Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? Therefore purge out the old leaven” (1 Cor. 5:6–7).

  4. We already are cleansed or “unleavened”—Continuing in 5:7, we read, “You are truly unleavened. For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us.” Faith in Jesus has cleansed us. Amen. The devil works with our flesh and the world’s system to get us back into uncertainty, worry, and fear.

  5. This “leaven” problem is mainly a battle with attitudes and mindsets—It’s why Paul said, “Therefore let us keep the feast not with … the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth” (5.8). In other words, the problem is our thinking. God has already done the work in our hearts. Don’t let wrong mindsets/thinking sabotage it.

  6. Deliverance is not complete without getting rid of the “yeast”—God’s people were set free on Passover, but the process was not complete until they crossed the Red Sea. Guess when they did that? On the final day of that very first Feast of Unleavened Bread. So, seriously, ask the Lord to help you with your thinking and mindsets. Remember, let no non-God-honoring thoughts permeate and ferment in your thinking!

In conclusion: “Remind yourself and teach your children that we can’t let thoughts permeate and ferment in our brains unless they’re God-honoring thoughts” (The Biblical Nutritionist). Get rid of those and we will be rid of worry, anxiety, and fear. Your life will be filled with love, joy, and peace. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you get rid of the leaven.

Thanks so much for praying,

Ron and Teddy

Morning Prophetic Prayer (MPP)

Celebrating Passover

MPP is held Monday–Friday from 6:00–6:45 a.m. (Japan Time).

You can join the live broadcast via Facebook or YouTube.

Nissan—The First Hebrew Month (March 26–April 24)

Moving Out of the Old and In to the New!

Thursday, March 26 marked the beginning of the first Hebrew month. No, it is not the beginning of the Hebrew year, because that started back in September on the first day of the seventh Hebrew month. Confusing? Okay, maybe a little. However, since it is the first month, you can also call it the beginning of a new year, and it definitely is the beginning of the redemption cycle. Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and the Feast of Firstfruits all happen during this month.

The full list of the blessings of Nissan may be found here. (

アライズ5/Catch The Fireウィークリーアップデート

2020年4月17日 聖書暦5780年ニサンの月23日



重要事項:私たちのウェブサイト「」はクラッシュし、使えなくなりました。とりなし者に祈るよう連絡したところ、Arise5とCatch The Fireが統合するプロセスを急がせる必要があるという預言的しるしであることに意見が一致しました。

多くの人はCatch The Fire Japanの立ち上げ礼拝のビデオを見たかと思います。( ウェブサイトを含む変化がこれから色々あります。しかし、古いウェブサイトがクラッシュしたので、新しいウェブサイトの立ち上げを急ぐことが必要になりました。これから二つの新しいウェブサイトが立ち上がります。一つはロナルド・サーカ・ミニストリーのウェブサイトで、あと一つはCatch the Fire Japan (のウェブサイトです。


  1. ロナルド・サーカ (Ron Sawka) ( (パブリックページ)

  2. ロナルド・サーカ・ウェード (Ron Sawka Wade) ( (個人ページ)

  3. MPP (



「子ともに教え、自分に言い聞かせてください。神をほめたたえる考え以外の考えを頭の中で満たし、醗酵させないでください。」–聖書の栄養士(聖書のウェブサイト) (










結論:「子ともに教え、自分に言い聞かせてください。神をほめたたえる考え以外の考えを頭の中で満たし、醗酵させないでください。」–聖書の栄養士 神をほめたたえない考え方を頭から取り除けば、心配、不安と恐れが無くなります。あなたの人生は愛、喜びと平安で満たされます。聖霊にパン種を取り除くための助けを求めてください。



MPP (Morning Prophetic Prayer=朝の預言的祈り会)




ニサンの月 ヘブル暦における最初の月 (March 26–April 24)




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