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Elul: Blessings for the Hebrew Month

Elul—The Sixth Month of the Hebrew Year 5784

September 4–October 2, 2024

A Month for New Beginnings

I feel “New Beginnings” is an apropos title for this sixth Hebrew month, Elul. We have come through the three weeks of “dire straits” in Tammuz and Av (Tammuz 17–Av 9/July 23–August 13). Although “dire,” we are to look at them as a time of birth pangs, and therefore birthing. Also, the whole month of Av was about the Lord “roaring from Zion” (see Joel 3:16).

Recently, the idea of new beginnings was further impressed on me while reading Haggai. I hadn’t really noticed before, but Haggai gave that important prophetic word that now was time to build the temple on the first day of Elul (see Hag. 1). The returned exiles were impoverished and in disarray. Things weren’t going well in Jerusalem or in Israel as a whole. Yet it was to these very discouraged people that the prophet thundered out, “Now is time to build.” He prophesied that they were continually saying, “Now isn’t the right time,” but that directly contradicted God’s prophetic word that “Now is the time.” The prophecy explained that the reason for their hardship and poverty was because they weren’t doing what God said.

We know the rest of the story. Their hearts were stirred. They obeyed and began to rebuild. From then on, the blessing of God was poured upon them. Everything began to change for the better.

So, let this be an exciting month. Move into the new beginnings the Lord has for you.

The Month of Elul

1. The month of the tribe of Gad. When Gad was being born Leah said, “A troop comes” (Gen. 30:11), which indicates increase. Also note Jacob’s blessing in Genesis 49:19, which states, “Even though a troop will trample over him, he shall triumph.” This indicates that this is a month of triumph and victory.

2. The month to camp—or to find your place in the order of camps—in the company of the Lord. A mistrust of others or a desire to “go at it alone” are because of roots of rejection or an orphan spirit. The more we are connected to—and are part of—God’s family, the more we will find ourselves shifting into our true identity in Him.

3. The month of rewards. Rewards begin to manifest over what you have done. Think “reward,” and ask the Holy Spirit to help you to be able to see all the good things God is giving you. You will begin to reap what you have sown. If you constantly labor and never see the reward, you’ll get burned out. You need to know how to abound (see Phil. 4:12 [1]). Also in these end times, let us remember the sowing-reaping cycle is rapidly speeding up

4. The month the King is in the field. He is coming to visit us and to help us in our work and ministry. I like the story of Ruth. Boaz came and visited the field she was gleaning in. Her life completely changed. God has the same waiting for us.

5. The month of the Hebrew letter yod [י]. Yod is connected to the number ten. It’s the only letter that is suspended in midair; it indicates appointed mercy from the hand of God. Ask Him for mercy for any situation in your life that needs solving. And remember that when you ask, help will already be on the way.

6. The month of Virgo (the maiden). “I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine” (Song of Sol. 6:3). The more we are connected to His family, the more we enter into intimacy with Him. Again, think of Ruth. She drew near to Boaz and claimed her family rights. God wants us to draw near to Him so He can give us all the “rights and blessings” provided for us in Jesus.

7. A month to run into the tower of might—a strength greater than yours that can encompass you. You don’t have to be strong all the time, but you can enter into His strength (see Proverbs 18:10 [2]).

8. A month for inner knowledge of peace to be activated. Always find time to “regroup” in order to be whole.

9. The “point month.” The understanding of the beginning so you can begin to reach your end.

10. The month to fix what has been broken. If He doesn’t tell you it’s fixable, let it go.

11. The month of complex systems beginning to be managed.

12. The “mother month.” The month of nurturing. This month is apostolic, just like Av. Whom are you looking after? Who is looking after you?

13. The month where Rebecca gave birth to Jacob and Esau. Do you “birth” blessing, or something that God is going to hate later on? What are you contending for? What is contending for you?

14. The month of the left hand—controlling the sense of action and good or bad emotions. You need to be sure your emotions are in good order. God gives us great ability to stand in the midst of emotional conflict and still abound. You don’t need to be someone who is unstable or unreliable. You have the ability to be a burden bearer.

(This material comes from my 2006 notes taken from a series of lectures [on CD] given by Chuck Pierce [Glory of Zion]. I highly recommend his website for more materials and more in-depth explanations. —Ron Sawka)



[1] “I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound” (Phil. 4:12).

[2] “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe” (Prov. 18:10).You who pray to the Lord, don’t be silent!” (Isa. 62:6).


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