Blessings for the Hebrew Month of Iyar
Iyar—The Second Month of the Hebrew Year 5781 April 13–May 11, 2021; Counting the Omer (Days 16–44)
A Time of Words: Understanding the Importance of What We Say
1. The Issachar month. See 1 Chronicles 12:32, which states, “The sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do.” Compare this with Ephesians 5:15–17 which enjoins us to understand our times. This enables us to keep moving ahead, instead of just passing time. Redeeming the time actually means that lost opportunities and chances begin to get restored. It also means that the fulfillment of God’s plans and promises begin to come quicker. In a sense, our future starts coming toward us instead of being “far off.” God wants us to see each day, week, and month as a fresh cycle of new things He wants to bring into our lives and bless us with. Two important things to consider are as follows:
Be sure to be thankful. Being thankful and speaking it out allows the Lord to propel us ahead.
Look ahead to Pentecost and the power, provision, and revelation the Lord wants to give us. Paul looked forward to Pentecost (Acts 20:16). So can we. One way to do this is by “counting the omer,” or making note each of the forty-nine days from Passover to Pentecost/Shavuot (May 17–18). The omer count started Sunday, March 28 (Nissan 15) and continues to Sunday, May 16 (Sivan 5).
2. The month of radiance, where light increases (it’s spring and the days are getting longer). Just as natural light increases, see that God wants to give you more revelation about yourself and your circumstances. Whenever you feel darkness trying to overtake you, say “no” to it. Instead, declare an increase in revelation. Isaiah 60:1 says the glory of the Lord will radiate off of us. Look at yourself as being radiant with the glory of God this month. Don’t be surprised if someone comments that you are “shining.”
3. The month linked with natural healing. We should expect that God will heal some through natural means. Exodus 15:26 states, “I am God, your healer [Jehovah Rapha].”
4. A month where you will see your snares. One of the main snares is murmuring and complaining. God gave the promise of healing just after they murmured. The connection is clear. Murmuring and complaining open one up to physical and spiritual sickness. Especially now God is calling all of us to correctly regard our words. Consider the following:
Remember our words have powerful impact for good or for evil. “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment” (Matt. 12:35–36).
“Do all things without complaining and disputing” (Phil. 2:14).
“Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt” (Col. 4:6).
Above all, be thankful. It releases the power of God to work in that situation.
5. The month of the Hebrew letter “vav” [ו]. This is a month that links the Month of Redemption and the Month of Giving. (If you move correctly during this month, the rest of the year connects properly.) Your prosperity is linked with this month. Definitely ask the Lord for what gift you should bring him. Remember, each of the three feasts is a time of special giving. We read, “Three times a year all your males shall appear before the Lord your God in the place which He chooses: at the Feast of Unleavened Bread, at the Feast of Weeks, and at the Feast of Tabernacles; and they shall not appear before the Lord empty-handed” (Deut. 16:16).
6. The month of the constellation of Taurus, the bull. Look and observe introspectively to find a place of improvement so that strength manifests. Don’t get discouraged and stop when you discover weaknesses. Remember the Lord has made you strong like the bull/ox and you can keep moving ahead. The gospel of Mark is symbolized by the ox, and it emphasizes Jesus as servant. One of the easiest ways to keep moving ahead is by continuing to serve.
7. A month to deal with your soul (mind, will, and emotions). Make sure these three things—mind, will, and emotions—are aligned with God. One way of keeping them aligned is through our speech. Be careful to use words that release grace (Eph. 4:29).
8. A month to understand secrets (Issachar). Thank God that He will show you keys of healing, keys of advancement, and keys to handle complicated situations. Also remember that “the secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him (or He confides in those who fear Him)” (Ps. 25:14).
9. The month of thought. God permeates the mind (the thinking process of the heart). If our emotions are wrong, we will not be able to think clearly. God will send healing as we choose not to murmur and complain. We will find Him putting His thoughts into our minds.
10. A month of spiritual advice. We need to be prophetic during this time. If we don’t exercise our gifts, somebody else will. Prophesy regularly this month.
11. The month of the right kidney and conscience (will and thought). Kidneys are linked with emotions, thought processes, and adrenaline processing. Fear affects the kidneys. God starts dealing with our consciences. The conscience is a window between spirit and soul. A clean conscience helps us with revelation. “I thank God, whom I serve with a pure conscience, as my forefathers did, as without ceasing I remember you in my prayers night and day” (2 Tim. 1:3). A clean conscience helps us with revelation. We are cleansed by the blood of Jesus. “How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?” (Heb. 9:14). Let’s let this month be a time of much healing of kidney problems.
(Note: The source material comes from my 2006 notes taken from a series of lectures [on CD] given by Chuck Pierce [Glory of Zion]. I highly recommend his website for more materials and more in-depth explanations. –Ron Sawka)
イヤルの月:ヘブル年5781年 第2月
2021年4月13日〜5月11日 (オメル16〜44日)
1) イッサカルの月です。I歴代誌12:32を見ましょう。「イッサカル族から、時を悟り、イスラエルが何をなすべきかを知っている彼らのかしら二百人。彼らの同胞は皆、彼らの命令に従った。」エペソ5:15-17と比較してみてください。ここで、時について理解するように命じれらています。それによって、私たちはただ時間を過ごしていくだけではなく、前進し続けることができるようになります。「機会を十分に生かして用いなさい」は、過去に失った機会やチャンスが取り戻されるということです。また、神の計画と約束の成就がより早く来るようになるということも意味します。ある意味、”遠くにあった”私たちの将来が私たちの方へ近づいてくる感じです。神は、私たちが一日一日を、また週、月を神が祝福したいと願っておられる新しいサイクルとして見るようになって欲しいのです。下記の二つの大事なことを考慮すべきです。
・ペンテコステと主が私たちに与えようとしている力、備え、啓示を思いめぐらして下さい。パウロはペンテコステを思いめぐらしました(使徒の働き20章16節)。私たちも同じように出来ます。一つの方法としては”オメルの日数を数えたり”、または 過越しからペンテコステ(5月17~18日)までの49日間を意識することです。オメルを数えることは3月28日(ニサン15日)から開始し、5月16日(シヴァン5日)まで続きます。
5)ヘブル文字の”vav” [ו]の月です。今月は、贖いの月と捧げ物の月をリンクする月です。(今月中に正しく行動するなら、今年の残りの時間も正しくコネクトしていきます。)あなたの繁栄も今月に関連しています。はっきりと、主に何を捧げてほしいか尋ねてください。忘れないでください、3つの祭りは特別に捧げる時です。聖書にはこう書かれています。「あなたのうちの男子はみな、年に三度、種を入れないパンの祭り、七週の祭り、仮庵の祭りのときに、あなたの神、主の選ぶ場所で、御前に出なければならない。主の前には、何も持たずに出てはならない。(申命記16章16節)」
以珥月---猶太曆5781年第二個月 4月13日-5月11日,數算俄梅珥(16-44天)
1. 以薩迦的月份。歷代志上12:32:「以薩迦支派…都通達時務,知道以色列人所當行的…」,這可以比照以弗所書5:15~17,囑咐我們要明白所處的時刻,如此可以幫助我們努力向前,而不只是虛度光陰。贖回時間確實的意義是失去的機會開始恢復,也意指神的計畫和應許開始更快速的成就。在某種意義上,我們的未來開始走近我們,而不是遠離我們。神要我們看待每一天、每一週和每一個月都是新事物的新週期,是祂要帶進我們生命中祝福我們的。我們需要思想的兩件重要事項如下:
2. 發光的月份,光增加的月份(現在是春天,白晝越來越長)。就如大自然光線的增強,神要給你和你的環境更多的啟示。當黑暗試圖在這個月勝過你,要向它說:「不!」,並且宣告啟示要增加,以賽亞書60:1說:「耶和華的榮耀發現照耀你。」。這個月要視自己是在主的榮耀中發光的,如果有人說你在“發光”,不要感到驚訝。
3. 以珥月與自然的醫治有關,我們要期待一些事物以自然的方式被神醫治。「我是耶和華,你的醫治者(耶和華拉法)」(出15:26)。
4. 你會發現你的網羅的月份,主要的網羅之一是抱怨和訴苦;神給予醫治的應許是在以色列人抱怨之後,這個關聯是極明顯的,抱怨/訴苦會為身體和靈的疾病開門。特別是現在,神正在呼召我們所有的人正確地注重我們的話語。要注意以下的事:
5. 希伯來字母“Vav” 的月份。這個月連結救贖的月份和給予的月份(如果這個月你運作的對,在今年接下來的日子將連絡整齊),你的豐盛與這個月有關。務必要求問主該獻上什麼給祂,要記得三大節期的每一個節期都是特別給予的時刻。聖經說:「你一切的男丁要在除酵節、七七節、住棚節,一年三次,在耶和華你神所選擇的地方朝見他,卻不可空手朝見。」(申16:16)
6. 金牛星群的月份;要省察並改進自己,使能力可以彰顯;不要因為發現自己的軟弱而沮喪和停滯不前。要記得神造你強壯如公牛,你可以勇往直前。馬可福音的象徵是公牛,強調耶穌是僕人的身分。要保持前進最簡單的方法之一是繼續服事。
7. 對付你的魂的月份(思想、意志和情感)。要確實把這些連結於神,保持和神一致的一個方法是靠我們的言語,要謹慎的使用可以釋放恩慈的話語(弗4:29)。
8. 了解奧秘的月份(以薩迦支派)。感謝神,祂會啟示你醫治的關鍵、前進的關鍵、處理複雜處境的關鍵。也要記得主的奧秘是給那些敬畏祂的人(或是祂會信託給敬畏祂的人)(詩25:14_
9. 思想的月份。神會進入我們的思維(心的思想過程),如果我們的情緒混亂,就沒有辦法清楚的思考。當我們選擇不抱怨,神將差下醫治,我們會發現祂把祂的意念放在我們的心思意念裡面。
10. 屬靈忠告的月份,這個月我們必須要先知性,如果不操練我們的恩賜,別人會使用。在這個月要常常發預言。
11. 右腎和良知(意志和思想)的月份。腎臟和情感、思考過程和腎上腺素的流動有關,害怕會影響腎臟。神要開始處理我們的良心,因為它是靈與魂之間的窗戶,清潔的良心可以幫助我們領受啟示。「我感謝神,就是我接續祖先用清潔的良心所事奉的神。祈禱的時候,不住的想念你」(提後1:3) 。我們因著耶穌的寶血得潔淨,「何況基督藉著永遠的靈,將自己無瑕無疵獻給神,他的血豈不更能洗淨你們的心(原文是良心),除去你們的死行,使你們事奉那永生神嗎?」(來9:1)。讓這個月成為腎臟疾病更多得醫治的月份。
(註:這是從2006年Glory of Zion恰克皮爾斯的CD講座節錄,我極力推薦你們上他的網站,擷取更多資料和更完整的解釋---榮撒卡。)