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Another Brief Message from the Hospital

January 24, 2024

Another Brief Message from the Hospital

Hallelujah, everybody.

Here’s another brief message from the hospital. I have three things I’d like to say:

First, know the power of your prayer and declarations. Three weeks ago, one of my sisters-in-law prophesied to me. She said, “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet—soon.” And that was the first day that I walked. Holding a railing, but I walked.

On Monday, I asked that same sister-in-law if she had a word for me, and she said, “Arise and walk.” Subsequently, I was able to walk about 30 meters with my cane.

One more thing happened on Monday—I had a call with Duncan Smith, John and Carol Arnott, and my son Mike. They prayed for me. There was such an anointing. Later that day I felt so strong, and then I realized, “Oh, it’s because of the prayers of God’s people.”

Second, we must rejoice. Recall Habakkuk 3:17–18, which says, essentially, “Even though things aren’t going well, yet I will rejoice in the Lord.” Joy is a fruit of the Spirit. You must decide, “Yes, I will rejoice,” and the joy will come. And it’s amazing how the joy just flows and flows. So we must rejoice. The passage in Habakkuk continues, “He will make my feet like deer’s feet, and He will make me walk on my high hills” (3:19). I want to go higher in God. I want more of Him. When I rejoice in the Lord, I will be given the strength to climb the high mountains.

Third, we are in a time of great harvest, and God wants to use us. More importantly, He wants our hearts. It’s the first and greatest commandment: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart” (Mark 12:30). When we love Him wholeheartedly, He opens up so many chances to minister. Our primary focus must be to love the Lord with all our hearts.

Thanks for praying.

Ron Sawka

P.S. MPP will not resume until the end of February.


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