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2024/7/31 When You Don’t Know What Else to Do, Praise the Lord

Ron Sawka Ministries

July 31, 2024; Tammuz 25, 5784

“So I will sing praise to Your name forever, that I may daily perform my vows” (Ps. 61:8, emphasis added).

“Let the peoples praise You, O God; let all the peoples praise You. Then the earth shall yield her increase; God, our own God, shall bless us” (Ps. 67:5–6, emphasis added).

I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify Him with thanksgiving. This also shall please the Lord better than an ox or bull, which has horns and hooves. The humble shall see this and be glad; and you who seek God, your hearts shall live” (Ps. 69:30–32, emphasis added).

Don’t Forget the “Mephibosheth” Harvest Time

Recently, I wrote that now is a “Mephibosheth” time of harvest, and we need to continue to keep that truth in our hearts. Just picture how David suddenly was “moved” because of his covenant with Jonathan to seek out any of Jonathan’s offspring to show them kindness. Likewise, God is moved by His covenant with you to seek out your loved ones to extend kindness to them. Let’s be in expectant faith!

When You Don’t Know What Else to Do, Praise the Lord

“When you don’t know what else to do, just praise the Lord.” I’ve been thinking about that phrase the past few days. Sometimes we do get discouraged. Sometimes we need solutions for multiple things and pressure builds up, and then we wonder what we may be doing wrong. Is there something wrong with my walk with God? What should I be doing differently?

It’s precisely at times like these that we need to stop and just praise the Lord. Praise isn’t about me and my wants or needs. Praise isn’t about my spiritual condition. Praise is my sacrifice, and it pleases God more than anything else.

Man was created to praise God. Of course Almighty God doesn’t “need” our praise. However, when we do what we were created to do—to praise and love God—then we step into a fullness and completion. We get a glimpse of this in the book of Revelation where praise and worship are continual. The more this happens, the more God’s will, righteousness, and plans are established. That being said, here are some verses to remember about praise. And let’s not limit praise to just a meeting. I am referring mostly to us as individuals just choosing to praise God multiple times throughout the day. We can actually sing (and yes, you should sing often) or just turn our thoughts to praising Him. A few thoughts are as follows:

1. Praise enables me. “So I will sing praise to Your name forever, that I may daily perform my vows” (Ps. 61:8). When we praise, we will find ourselves being enabled (by the power of the Holy Spirit) to do what we should do.

2. Praise especially when you feel weak and “out of sorts.” “But I am poor and sorrowful; let Your salvation, O God, set me up on high. I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify Him with thanksgiving” (Ps. 69:29–30). Note how important it is to actually break forth into singing. Praise silences the voice of the enemy and makes it easier to hear God’s voice. You will be shifted into expectation (biblical hope) and faith.

3. Choosing to praise is choosing His life for yourself. “And you who seek God, your hearts shall live” (Ps. 69:32).

4. Praise is unconditional and is for all to do. “Let the peoples praise You, O God; let all the peoples praise You” (Ps. 67:5). In Psalm 107, David states this as a plea: “Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!” (Ps. 107:8, 15, 21, 31). It’s as simple as that. No explanation needed. No conditions to fulfill—just start praising God.

5. Praise affects everything around me and brings increase. “Then the earth shall yield her increase” (Ps. 67:6). No more explanation needed. I can forget about my “labors.” God will cause things in my work and life to increase. I don’t know how this will happen, but I will immediately begin to see change and increase.

6. Praise settles everything. “God, our own God, shall bless us” (Ps. 67:6). Don’t you just love this? ˙He is our “own” God. I am His and He is mine. Blessing and praising God settles and establishes this so very important truth. He is my/our God.

Thanks for praying.

Ron and Teddy

A Time of Victory and a Time of Birthing

Av—The Fifth Month of the Hebrew Year 5784

August 5–September 3, 2024

We’re in the middle of a three-week period on the Hebrew calendar known as the “Dire Straits,” Tammuz 17–Av 9 (July 23–August 13). This may seem daunting, but should actually be a time of victory. One way we know this is because God’s sign to us from the heavens is the constellation of the Lion. He wants us to know that the death and resurrection of Jesus, the Lion of Judah, broke every curse and the power of sin. It was Tammuz 17 when Moses descended from the mount of God to find the people had foolishly abandoned their covenant with God and indulged in idolatry—that which pleased them. But we need to know the Lord is roaring over us and has already won the victory over sin and every foolish thing that would draw/entice you away from Him. Expect victory!

Also, expect God to birth new and wonderful things for you. Point 6 listed in the blessings of the month of Av is about the womb and that the struggles of this month can be like birth pangs. Every mother knows the pain of birth pangs but these are soon forgotten for the joy of the new birth. God wants something new birthed in our lives. Rejoice!

Read the full description of Av here.

Praying for One Nation Every Day

Let’s keep praying, declaring, and believing every day for our own city, our own nation and one other nation in the world.

This prayer strategy comes from Apostle Karen Dey (New Zealand/Sri Lanka)

Click here to read Apostle Karen Dey’s document.

Weekly Broadcast Schedule

(Times are listed in Japan Time, UTC +9.)

MPP—Weekdays, 6:18–6:45 a.m. (excepting Japanese holidays and scheduled times off)

Available on YouTube, Youtube Music (audio).

Note: The next scheduled off days will be August 2–23.

Apostolic For Russia—August 23 7:00–8:00 p.m. Join us on Zoom (Meeting ID: 840 2016 0640, Code: 219951), or watch on YouTube.

Apostolic for Chinese—August 24, 8:00–9:30 p.m. Zoom ID: 823 7276 5237, Code: 878174.

Apostolic Center Training—Resuming in September, 8:30–10:00 p.m. English/Chinese, registration required. Please contact

Note, I usually post links to my public Facebook page.

For more information or to connect with our ministry team, please write us at or

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