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2023/3/15 Ministry Trip to Pakistan

Ron Sawka Ministries

March 15, 2023; Adar 22, 5783

“Or how can one enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house” (Matt. 12:29).

“But when Jesus saw her, He called her to Him and said to her, ‘Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity.’ And He laid His hands on her, and immediately she was made straight, and glorified God” (Luke 13:12–13).

Ministry Trip to Pakistan

Thank you so much for praying for me during our recent ministry trip to help Catch the Fire Pakistan (Feb. 28–Mar. 5). The CTF Pakistan coordinators are Dan and Robyn Lambert, an Australian couple, along with Wilson Anwer, a Pakistani who lives in Australia. So much has been accomplished in just a few years!

When I arrived, I was met by Wilson and Hayden Smith, pastor of CTF Sydney, who had arrived a few days earlier, along with a group of CTF Pakistan pastors and leaders. Later, we were joined by Dan Lambert for the dedication of a new church/school building, another pretty incredible accomplishment.

I was invited to hold a three-day seminar teaching and activating people in how to prophesy and move in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The attendees were of all ages and from several CTF churches. We had an awesome, joyful time. When the young people began to see they could get words of knowledge, the faith and excitement level grew. Pastor Junita Gil (Karachi) shared how amazed she was by the teenage girls. They were shy and quiet, but as the activations went on, their confidence grew. They progressed quickly and soon were able to prophesy with ease. They changed from hesitant and reticent to bold and joyful. That’s just another example of the truth of the words of the prophet Samuel, who said, “You will prophesy with them and be turned into another man” (1 Sam. 10:6).

Our time was short, but the Lord blessed it mightily. Wilson is already talking about my next trip. It will probably be a weeklong prophetic school. All I know is that I have some keys of the prophetic and apostolic and that the time for these in Pakistan is now.

Taking Authority and Putting Things in Order

But there was much more than just that prophetic activation seminar. From the very beginning, the theme of the Holy Spirit was taking authority in the heavenlies and letting God’s order be established so the Holy Spirit has freedom to work. Thus, I found myself teaching and demonstrating prophetic acts, the incredible weapon of prophetic praise, plus basics including receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit and how to stay filled or get filled up again.

It was my first trip to Pakistan, a beautiful nation. Also, I was in more than just CTF churches. Overall, I found the church to be strong and vibrant. There are lots of issues to be sure, but definitely there is the sense of being on the verge of a great, great harvest.

How Was the Trip for Me Personally? Before leaving, I felt pressure and resistance and knew the devil didn’t want me to go. I asked for and received a lot of intercession daily. Joyce in Taiwan shared a word that the “presence of the Lord would go with me and it would be an easy trip.” It was just that—easy. I had the favor of the Lord every step of the way. I was even allowed to check in a third bag of Yarn Alive-knitted hats for flood disaster victims. And at customs in Pakistan, there were no questions whatsoever. None.

Dealing with the Second Heavens—Binding the Strongman

I should have discerned much earlier that the devil was starting to “push back,” even on the journey home. My thoughts began to be bombarded. Physically all was fine until I got home, but that night I got sick (flu-like symptoms, not Covid). I ended up resting the whole week. The good thing of all that was realizing I need to pay more attention to scheduling in “time to rest.”

On the second day of the illness, I walked past Teddy on a video call to her family. I stopped and asked my brother-in-law to minister healing to me. He prayed and explained what the Holy Spirit was showing him. He spoke “peace.” Immediately, I knew two things clearly:

  1. The source/cause of this sickness came from the “strongman” of the territory we had “plundered” for the Lord.

  2. My brother-in-law’s single, simple prayer broke the power behind my illness.

Immediately peace came and the bombardment of thoughts stopped. The sickness still ran its course, but the evil spiritual power behind it was broken.

It was such a clear and amazing thing. On Saturday when I spoke at a large online meeting for China, I was led to minister healing. It was no surprise that the Holy Spirit led me to share my testimony. And then when I ministered healing, the initial step was to first bind the strongman, bind the spiritual power behind that sickness, and only then minister the healing.

So thank you for praying. And yes, I asked the intercession team to continue praying for up to two weeks after the journey (through March 20).

Thanks for praying,

Ron and Teddy

Adar—The Twelfth Hebrew Month: Entering Your True Identity

February 22–March 22, 2023

Our true identity is a precious and powerful thing. God doesn’t want it to be hidden by fear, by masks, or by sin. The more we embrace and walk in our true identity, the more we experience His blessing.

More about Adar may be found here.

Ron’s Travel Schedule

  • Mar. 19, 21, Eiko Christ Church, Kobe, Japan

  • Mar. 24–Apr. 2, Korea

Weekly Broadcast Schedule (Times are listed in Japan Time, UTC+9:00.)

  • Apostolic Center Training—Tuesdays, 8:30–10:00 p.m., English/Chinese, registration required.

  • Apostolic for Chinese—Saturday, Feb. 25, 8:30 p.m., open meeting

  • Apostolic for Russia—Fridays, 7:00–8:00 p.m.

  • Prophetic Praise with Pete—Sundays–Thursdays, 10:00–10:30 p.m.

  • MPP—Mondays–Fridays, 6:00–6:45 a.m.



Ron’s new book, How to Activate Prophecy and Revelation Gifts, the first title in our new “Apostolic Center Training Series,” is intended as a tool for training others in prophetic activation. It is now available for Kindle. Print copies can also be obtained from our office in Sano. Contact for information about ordering copies, or to obtain any of the four books from the “Building Apostolic-Prophetic Foundations” series, which are also available on Kindle:

• Judah Goes First: The Power of Apostolic-Prophetic Praise

• Activated to Prophesy: The Essential Experience for This New Church Era

• Apostles and Apostolic Anointing: Raising Up the End-Times Believers

• Apostolic Centers: Wineskin for the New Era

For English or Japanese books, contact

For Chinese books,

For more information or to connect with our ministry team, please write us at or


You are welcome to give to Yarn Alive via giving to Ron Sawka Ministries. Please clearly mark your designation. Thank you.

Bank Info and Online Giving (From Any Nation)

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In addition to online/credit card giving, which can be used from any nation, you may give via the following:


Japan Apostolic Fund Supporters should give directly to CTF Japan. Also, Yarn Alive donations can be given directly.

Direct Bank Transfers from Overseas

Account name/number: Ronald W. Sawka 93642377

Bank name: SMBC Trust Bank

Address: Nishi Shimbashi Square 1-3-1 Nishi Shimbashi, Minato Ku, Tokyo Japan 105-0003


Intermediate bank name and SWIFT code: Sumitomo Mitsubishi Bank Corp. SMBC JPJT


CTF World USA, 2304 Page Rd, Durham, NC 27703. Please make out the check to CTF World. Be sure to clearly designate “For Ron Sawka Ministries.” If it is for Yarn Alive, please notify us separately at


POSBank 149-42129-7 (account name Ronald W. Sawka)


Bank: China Trust

Account Name: Ronald Wade Sawka

Account Number: 42854 0413470


KEB HANA BANK 249-890619-84307 Ronald Wade Sawka


Since we do not have a Canada office, we suggest you use the credit card option (Unfortunately, the receipt is not tax deductible for Canada.)

Apostolic Fund Supporters

Apostolic Fund Supporters are the backbone of our support system, and we feel you are so important. Therefore please know that we:

  1. Pray for you regularly—if you have needs/requests, please let us know.

  2. Send you a weekly recorded prayer.

  3. Want you to contact us whenever you feel a need arises.

Yes, I Commit to Being an Apostolic Fund Supporter for 2023 (US $1,200 for the year)


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Also please be sure to attach a recent photo of you and your family (if applicable).

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Thank you for your giving!


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