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2022/6/29 Surrounded by the Presence of the Lord and His Angels

Ron Sawka Ministries

June 29, 2022; Sivan 30, 5782

“But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels” (Heb. 12:22).

“But the Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon; then he blew the trumpet” (Judg. 6:34).

Online Healing Room—Saturday, July 16, 10:00–11:30 a.m.

Recently I felt the Lord strongly push me in the direction of doing more healing. In fact, last week’s main article was titled “Activation for Explosion of Healing and Miracles.” As much as I love teaching and activating healing, I also enjoy doing healing ministry. And now is the time to do more of it.

Thus we are opening a healing room online. This won’t be like a regular meeting—it won’t even be broadcast. But all who wish for healing ministry live can write in and get an “appointment.” Then, my team and I will minister to you. If you desire healing ministry, fill out the registration form using the following link: or let us know by email at

Surrounded by the Presence of the Lord and His Angels

It’s a time of gathering—This morning as the shofar was sounding at the start of MPP, I was reminded of how Gideon blew the trumpet after his consecration to the Lord. The enemy had come in again worse than before. This time Gideon didn’t hide or cower. He boldly blew the shofar and warriors quickly gathered from all over Israel (see Judges 6:34–35). Likewise, in our nations we are in a time of gathering. Every time we pray, or praise or prophesy, the sound of the Lord’s trumpet is being released. There is a gathering of the warriors/harvesters of the Lord, as well as a gathering of the sick and needy and those seeking the Lord and His salvation.

Surrounded by innumerable angels and the presence of the Lord—The start of Gideon’s story was fairly uninspiring. He was covertly threshing wheat so the enemy wouldn’t destroy it. The angel of the Lord was watching him and said, “The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor!” (6:12). Gideon obviously didn’t know it was an angel, because he essentially replied, “If God is with us, then why are we suffering?” The angel didn’t leave, but graciously repeated, “Go in this might of yours … have I not sent you?” (6:14). Somehow the message began to get through to Gideon. He ran to bring an offering. The angel touched it and “fire rose out of the rock and consumed the meat and the unleavened bread” (6:21). Finally Gideon realized he was speaking directly with the Lord or His angel. I think many of us have come to the point—like Gideon—where we have brought the offering of our lives fully to Him. Just as fire arose on Gideon’s offering, now the fire of the Lord is burning stronger in each heart.

One more thing struck me this morning—how patient the Lord and the angels are. Gideon had no intention of seeking the Lord or being used by Him, but obviously the Lord chose him. The Lord was patient. Even though Gideon tried to ignore or argue, the angel stayed and fulfilled its assigned task—to get Gideon moving in faith.

Here again I see a fulfillment. God has been calling each one of us, just like He called Gideon. We may have ignored or argued or not even realized it, but still He has been patient with us and has helped us shift and has had His angels continue assisting us.

Now we have come to a critical time. But like Gideon, we’re no longer afraid or cowering. There is an intense expectation in the body of Christ in each nation. Harvest time is here. Yes, there will be many battles ahead, but God and His angels are with us. We will continue to advance. Now is the time of harvest.

Thanks for praying,

Ron and Teddy Sawka

Hebrew Month of Tammuz—June 30–July 28

A Special Time of Declaration and a Month to Shine through Your Worship

This Tammuz is very important. On July 12th, many worldwide will commit to praying for some vital issues concerning Israel. It’s also a month to shine in worship. More details are available here.

Weekly Broadcast Schedule

(Times are listed in Japan Time, UTC +9.)

Some of these may be viewed on Ron’s Facebook page.

  1. Apostolic for Chinese – Sunday, July 3 8:30 pm Open meeting (English-Chinese)

  2. Apostolic Center Training—Tuesdays, 8:30–10:00 p.m., English/Chinese. Registration required. Contact .

  3. Apostolic for Russia—Fridays, 7:00–8:00 p.m., English/Russian (open meeting).

  4. Morning Prophetic Prayer (MPP)—Monday–Friday, 6:00–6:45 a.m., English/Japanese. Next scheduled break: Thursday, June 30–Friday, July 1

  5. Praise with Pete—Sundays–Thursdays, 10:00–10:30 p.m.



To help you move ahead in this new season of outpouring, I have lowered the prices on all four of the Kindle books in my Building Apostolic-Prophetic Foundations series:

  • Judah Goes First: The Power of Apostolic-Prophetic Praise

  • Activated to Prophesy: The Essential Experience for This New Church Era

  • Apostles and Apostolic Anointing: Raising Up the End-Times Believers

  • Apostolic Centers: Wineskin for the New Era

All four titles can be found on my Amazon page:

For English or Japanese books, contact

For Chinese books, contact

For more information or to connect with our ministry team, please write us at or

Giving to Ron Sawka Ministries

Thank you so much for your giving. It is such a huge help, without which we couldn’t carry out the vision and assignments God gives us. Also know that if you become an Apostolic Fund Supporter, we:

  1. Pray for you regularly—if you have needs/requests, please let us know.

  2. Send out a weekly recorded prayer.

  3. Want you to contact us whenever you feel a need arises.

Yes, I Commit to Being an Apostolic Fund Supporter for 2022 (US$1,200 for the year)


Number of pledges:

Family members you want prayer for:



Also please be sure to attach a recent photo of you and your family (if applicable).

Please send us this information with the subject line “2022 Apostolic Fund Supporter.”

Bank Info and Online Giving (From Any Nation)

You can give online by credit card or debit card at

In addition to online/credit card giving, which can be used from any nation, you may give via the following:


Japan Apostolic Fund Supporters should give directly to CTF Japan.

Direct Bank Transfers from Overseas

Account name/number: Ronald W. Sawka 93642377

Bank name: SMBC Trust Bank

Address: Nishi Shimbashi Square 1-3-1 Nishi Shimbashi, Minato Ku, Tokyo Japan 105-0003


Intermediate bank name and SWIFT code: Sumitomo Mitsubishi Bank Corp. SMBC JPJT


CTF World USA, 2304 Page Rd, Durham, NC 27703. Please make out the check to CTF World. Be sure to clearly designate “For Ron Sawka Ministries.”


POSBank 149-42129-7 (account name Ronald W. Sawka)


Bank: China Trust

Account Name: Ronald Wade Sawka

Account Number: 42854 0413470


KEB Bank 172-18-47989-8 Ronald Wade Sawka

KEB HANA BANK 249-890619-84307 Ronald Wade Sawka


Since we do not have a Canada office, we suggest you use the credit card option (Unfortunately, the receipt is not tax deductible for Canada.)

Thank you for your giving!


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