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2022/2/9 Spend Time in His Presence and Keep His Anointing and Advance Faster!

Ron Sawka Ministries

February 9, 2022; 8 Adar 1, 5782

“Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed. And Simon and those who were with Him searched for Him. When they found Him, they said to Him, ‘Everyone is looking for You.’ But He said to them, ‘Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also, because for this purpose I have come forth’” (Mark 1:35–37).

“Behold, I come; in the scroll of the book it is written of me. I delight to do Your will, O my God, and Your law is within my heart” (Ps. 40:7–8).

“You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness; therefore God, Your God, has anointed You with the oil of gladness more than Your companions” (Heb. 1:9).

Spend Time in His Presence and Keep His Anointing and Advance Faster!

This year is so much about the Lord anointing His people. It was during Hannukah—the Feast of Dedication—last year (Nov. 28–Dec. 6) that the Lord opened my understanding. One of the ways God is using the shakings of these COVID years is to help His people rededicate themselves to Him so He can anoint them. Hannukah, or the Feast of Dedication (see John 10:22), is a picture of this. The Maccabees took back their temple, cleansed it, and rededicated it to God. After all, it was His building for His purposes and glory. When they did that, they got the miracle of the lamp oil not running out. Likewise, when we dedicate ourselves to Him, He anoints us with His power and with His joy. It will not run out. Jesus lived this kind of life, dedicated totally to do the will of His Father, and this was one of the reasons He was so anointed. Hebrews 1:9 states, “Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You with the oil of gladness more than Your companions.” Thus, I feel there is a tremendous anointing of God’s people now occurring as they are rededicating their lives to Him.

But how to keep that anointing?

Yesterday morning during MPP, the Lord spoke to us from Mark 1:35, which states, “Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.”

It had been a busy weekend for Jesus. He was still basically unknown. But on the sabbath in the synagogue, He drove an unclean spirit out of a man. All were amazed. Then He went to Peter’s house and healed his mother-in-law of a high fever. Then when sabbath ended at sundown, He found many people waiting for healing or deliverance. He ministered long into the night. This was incredible breakthrough. The disciples must have been so excited at the sudden, wild popularity. Maybe they had trouble sleeping because of the excitement and thinking about how to proceed and maximize the opportunity.

Jesus surely deserved to sleep in, but clearly didn’t. Instead “in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed” (Mark 1:35).

This was so important. It’s easy to see the immense pressure beginning to build. The promised breakthrough had arrived. Now what strategy should they follow? What should they do to keep people interested and for more to keep coming?

But Jesus didn’t succumb to any of that. He didn’t bow to the pressure of His own disciples who scolded Him for keeping the crowd of people waiting. He simply announced it was time to move on. He was being led by His Father and nothing else.

If it is true (and I really think it is) that God is anointing us in a new way, then many opportunities will begin to arise. Along with that will come pressure to “meet the needs,” or pressure of how to correctly lead so people keep coming or don’t lose interest. It will be easy to bow to manipulation or pressure. We need to do the same as Jesus. Be sure to spend time in the presence of our Heavenly Father.

When we do, we can expect the following things:

  1. We will be strengthened and refreshed.

  2. Our purpose will be reaffirmed to only do His will and desire.

  3. We will be protected from manipulation by people’s needs.

  4. We will understand that our purpose is not to have “success,” but to do only what He asks.

  5. We will be saved from making mistakes.

  6. He will lead us faster and more successfully than any plan or strategy we ourselves could come up with.

After sharing this on MPP yesterday morning (Feb. 8), a prophecy came that God was putting His hand on MPP in a new way and was shifting us into signs/wonders and healings. It was something I have long been desiring, but seems I didn’t even have to ask or say anything because the Lord just spoke it first. Amazing. Thank you, Lord.

So, enjoy times of refreshing in the presence of Our Heavenly Father.

Thanks for praying,

Ron and Teddy

Online Healing Activation Seminar

March 2022

Just as we can activate by faith the gift of prophecy, so too can we—again by faith—activate gifts of healings and miracles. We are planning four 90-minute sessions to teach and activate this:

Saturday, March 5, 12, 19, 26, 10:00–11:30, English/Japanese. Register here.

Join Pete Sawka for “30 Minutes of Worship, 10:00–10:30 p.m., Sundays–Thursdays

Praise also helps us enter our true identity. Praise Him with all your heart and watch the Lion of Judah rise up inside of you.

You can continue to connect with Pete Sawka for thirty minutes of praise in Japanese, five times a week, Sundays–Thursdays, 10:00–10:30 p.m.

Hebrew Month of Adar 1

A Time to Enter Your True Identity

The Twelfth Hebrew Month of 5782, February 2–March 3

Read it here.

This Week’s Broadcast Schedule

  1. Note: No Tuesday night Apostolic Center Training this February. Classes resume March 1.

  2. Note: No MPP this Friday, Feb. 11 (Japanese national holiday)

  3. Note: No Apostolic for Russia this Friday, Feb 11

  4. Apostolic for Chinese (open meeting), Sunday, Feb. 13, 8:30 p.m.

Regularly scheduled meetings:

  1. Apostolic Center Training—Tuesdays, 8:30–10:00 p.m., English/Chinese. Registration required. Contact to register.

  2. Apostolic for Russia—Fridays, 7:00–8:00 p.m., English/Russian

  3. Morning Prophetic Prayer (MPP)—Mon–Fri., 6:00–6:45 a.m., English/Japanese

Note: There will be no MPP on Feb. 11, or Feb. 23, which are national holidays in Japan. Also, there will be no Chinese translation of MPP Feb. 1–Feb. 11.


For more information or to connect with our ministry team, please write us at or

Giving to Ron Sawka Ministries

I am so thankful for the new fields and assignments the Lord is opening up even during this difficult year of the virus. Our webcasting is greatly expanding and your financial support plays such an important role. I remind you of what David instituted among his warriors - even those who stayed with the baggage were to receive the same reward as the others (1 Sam 30:24). Thank you and be blessed.

You may also feel led to become an Apostolic Fund Supporter (AFS)/Fire Stater by pledging to give $1200 (US) or its equivalent for the year. Please be sure to send us a photo of yourself to help us in our praying of you.

Apostolic Fund/Fire Stater Commitment for 2022


Number of pledges:

Family members you want prayer for:



Also please be sure to attach a recent photo of you and your family (if applicable).

Please send us this information with the subject line of “2022 Apostolic Fund Supporter/Fire Stater.”

Bank Info and Online Giving

You can give online by credit card at

In addition to online/cc giving which can be used from any nation, you may give via the following:


Japan Post Bank: 029 Branch

Account No: 0142537

Account Name: CTF Japan

Account Code Number: 00250-6-142537


CTF World USA, 2304 Page Rd, Durham, NC 27703

Phone: 919-848-3063


Please make out the check to CTF World. Be sure to clearly designate “For Ron Sawka Ministries.”


Bank: China Trust


Account Number: 42854-041347-0


KEB Bank 172-18-47989-8 Ronald Wade Sawka

KEB HANA BANK 249-890619-84307 Ronald Wade Sawka

Japan and Direct Deposits from Overseas

Account name/number: Ronald W. Sawka 93642377

Bank name: SMBC Trust Bank

Address: Nishi Shimbashi Square 1-3-1 Nishi Shimbashi, Minato Ku, Tokyo Japan 105-0003


Intermediate bank name and SWIFT code: Sumitomo Mitsubishi Bank Corp. SMBC JPJT


POSBank 149-42129-7 (account name Ronald W. Sawka)


Since we do not have a Canada office, we suggest you use the credit card option (Unfortunately, the receipt is not tax deductible for Canada.)

Thank you for your giving!


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