Ron Sawka Ministries
January 26, 2022; Shevat 24, 5782
“Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. … ‘The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest’” (Matt. 9:35–38).
Keys for Harvest 2022
In the first week of January, I was reading the book of Matthew. Chapters 9–10 are beautiful pictures of Jesus’s ministry, but they also show how each of us can and should minister. There are at least thirteen different keys I’ve spoken about recently, as follows:
1. Increase of authority to remove all barriers to healing—Matt. 9:1–6. Jesus immediately saw that sin (either the young man’s or ancestral) was at the root of the paralysis. It wasn’t about salvation, but rather to remove the barrier/block to healing that Jesus said the young man’s sins were forgiven. To show that He in his humanity (He called himself the “son of man”) had the authority, He then commanded the young man to arise. The young man did and was healed. According to John 20:23, we have that same authority to remove blockages to healing.
2. Year of the house—When I read these two chapters, the phrase “the house” kept jumping out at me (see 9:6, 7, 10, 23, 28). Much of the ministry described in these chapters took place “in the house.” This means God wants to use our houses or workplaces. Expect your residence/workplace to be a place of visitation where people are touched by the Lord.
3. Intersecting with dissatisfied people—Matt. 9:9. When Jesus told Matthew, “Follow me,” Matthew immediately arose and began to follow. Somehow, Matthew was dissatisfied with his life. You could say he was “prepared.” So when he heard Jesus’s invitation, his response was immediate and decisive. Because of prayer and praise in our nations, the shroud of darkness is being pushed back. People’s hearts are being prepared. They are hungry. Get ready to meet lots of them in 2022.
4. Favor with all kinds of people—Matt. 9:9–10. The “tax collectors and sinners” loved to be with Jesus. It was far more than just the miracles and His amazing teaching—they were drawn by the Holy Spirit. We have the same Holy Spirit, and the glory of the Lord is risen on each of us. Start looking to see people drawn to you this year. They will want to be your friends. Let them be. Accept them; don’t turn them away.
5. People will call on you for life solutions—Matt. 9:18–26. The ruler came to Jesus because his daughter died. He knew Jesus could do the miracle of resurrection. He didn’t send a messenger, but came himself. I feel that the more the veil of darkness is pierced over our nations, the more people will be able to see that we who have Jesus in us have solutions for their life issues. Expect more and more people to come calling on us.
6. Favor and healings that you won’t even notice—Matt. 9:20–22. The woman who had been suffering for twelve years with the issue of blood pushed through the crowd knowing that if she touched even His garment, she would be healed. She touched it and was healed! Jesus then spoke with her, resulting in confirmation and blessing for her. I think this year we will find people reaching out to us, and then only later will we hear how what we said or did impacted or healed them.
7. Don’t argue with the mockers, isolate/remove them—Matt. 9:23–25. Jesus’s words to the parents that their daughter was only sleeping—not dead—probably were a great encouragement to them. But the so-called friends mocked and ridiculed His words. He didn’t argue or defend; He simply isolated them. Be braced for ridicule. Understand that those doing so are being used by the devil. Don’t argue or explain. Just remove them and go on and minister to those who are seeking. There will be miracles, but you have to first isolate the mockers.
8. The news will spread—Matt. 9:26 states, “And the report of this went out into all the land.” Satan is prince of the power of the air. He tries to keep news of miracles or healings from spreading. But 2022 is a time of harvest. We are under an increasingly open heaven. The good news will spread quickly.
9. Talking and fellowship will build up faith for miracles—Matt. 9:27–31. When the two blind men asked for healing, Jesus took them to his home. He talked with them. Their faith was built up. He then healed them. Sometimes when people come asking for help, we will need to take them home and fellowship with them. This will allow their faith to arise to be able to receive the miracle they need.
10. Clear increase in discerning and breaking the demonic—Matt. 9:32–34. A mute who was demon possessed was brought to Jesus, who easily drove out the demon and healed the man. This was another case of first removing the barrier to healing—demonic on this occasion. Because of the great harvest before us, we will find our spiritual eyes more open than ever. We’ll easily discern when/where demons are working, we’ll drive them out, and will minister the healing.
11. Your own eyes will see the harvest—Matt. 9:35–36. Jesus was so engaged in the harvest. He was teaching, preaching, healing the sick, and working miracles. He loved the harvest. But the more He ministered, the more the need and possibilities kept expanding. Harvest begets harvest. Similarly, as we begin to gather the harvest, we too will begin to see more and more possibilities. We will see nothing is impossible with God. Everywhere we look—everywhere we go—we will see harvest.
12. We will effectively pray for and see more harvesters—Matt. 9:37–38. I have come to see that this prayer is not really effective until we find ourselves heavily involved in harvest. The more we harvest, the more possibilities and needs seem to arise. It happened to Jesus, thus the command to pray and ask for more workers. Because we will see so much harvest, we will know full well we can’t do it alone. We must multiply.
13. Shifting from disciples to apostles (sent ones)—Matt. 10:1–2. In verse 1, Jesus gathers the disciples and gives them power and authority over sickness and demons for the purpose of sending them. Verse 2 states, “Now the names of the twelve apostles are these,” meaning they were “sent.” We well understand we all are followers of Jesus. We are His disciples. But we are also being sent. We are shifted into the apostolic. This is a year of moving in the authority and power of the Lord to do what He asks us to do—to bring in the harvest.
Thanks for praying,
Ron and Teddy
P.S., Happy New Year (Jan. 29–Feb. 6) to all of our Chinese readers around the world. Because of this holiday, there won’t be a Chinese edition of this update on Feb. 2, nor Chinese translation of MPP Feb. 1–11. All other languages will continue on as usual.
AFS Supporters Month (Commitment of US $1,200 for the Year)
A special thank you to all who signed up. Your support is such a huge blessing to us as we go through the new doors the Lord has for us in 2022.
Join Pete Sawka for “30 Minutes of Worship, 10:00–10:30 p.m., Sundays–Thursdays
Keep your eye on the topic of sound. It’s the sound of God’s voice that creates and heals. We will see many more miracles just through praise and worship.
You can continue to connect with Pete Sawka for thirty minutes of praise in Japanese, five times a week, Sundays–Thursdays, 10:00–10:30 p.m.
Blessings for Hebrew Month of Shevat
Time to Shout Out the Goodness of God
The Eleventh Hebrew Month of 5782, January 03–February 1, 2022
Broadcast Schedule
Below is a list and times (Japan Standard Time) of public meetings you can connect with via Ron’s public Facebook page.
Apostolic Center Training—Tuesdays, 8:30–10:00 p.m., English/Chinese. Registration required. Contact to register. Because of Chinese New Year, there will be no apostolic center training for Chinese during February.
Apostolic for Russia—Fridays, 7:00–8:00 p.m., English/Russian.
Morning Prophetic Prayer (MPP)—Mon–Fri., 6:00–6:45 a.m., English/Japanese
Note: There will be no MPP Jan. 31–Feb. 1; Feb. 11, or Feb. 23.
Because of Chinese New Year, there will be no Chinese translation of MPP Feb. 1–Feb. 11.
For more information or to connect with our ministry team, please write us at or
Giving to Ron Sawka Ministries
I am so thankful for the new fields and assignments the Lord is opening up even during this difficult year of the virus. Our webcasting is greatly expanding and your financial support plays such an important role. I remind you of what David instituted among his warriors - even those who stayed with the baggage were to receive the same reward as the others (1 Sam 30:24). Thank you and be blessed.
You may also feel led to become an Apostolic Fund Supporter (AFS)/Fire Stater by pledging to give $1200 (US) or its equivalent for the year. Please be sure to send us a photo of yourself to help us in our praying of you.
Apostolic Fund/Fire Stater Commitment for 2022
Number of pledges:
Family members you want prayer for:
Also please be sure to attach a recent photo of you and your family (if applicable).
Please send us this information with the subject line of “2022 Apostolic Fund Supporter/Fire Stater.”
Bank Info and Online Giving
You can give online by credit card at
In addition to online/cc giving which can be used from any nation, you may give via the following:
Japan Post Bank: 029 Branch
Account No: 0142537
Account Name: CTF Japan
Account Code Number: 00250-6-142537
CTF World USA, 2304 Page Rd, Durham, NC 27703
Phone: 919-848-3063
Please make out the check to CTF World. Be sure to clearly designate “For Ron Sawka Ministries.”
Bank: China Trust
Account Number: 42854-041347-0
KEB Bank 172-18-47989-8 Ronald Wade Sawka
KEB HANA BANK 249-890619-84307 Ronald Wade Sawka
Japan and Direct Deposits from Overseas
Account name/number: Ronald W. Sawka 93642377
Bank name: SMBC Trust Bank
Address: Nishi Shimbashi Square 1-3-1 Nishi Shimbashi, Minato Ku, Tokyo Japan 105-0003
Intermediate bank name and SWIFT code: Sumitomo Mitsubishi Bank Corp. SMBC JPJT
POSBank 149-42129-7 (account name Ronald W. Sawka)
Since we do not have a Canada office, we suggest you use the credit card option (Unfortunately, the receipt is not tax deductible for Canada.)
Thank you for your giving!