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2021/5/19 Pentecost—The Promise of the Holy Spirit

Ron Sawka Ministries

May 19, 2021; Sivan 8, 5781

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh” (Acts 2:17).

“But to wait for the Promise of the Father, “which,” He said, “you have heard from Me” (Acts 1:4).

“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

God’s River of Fire Conference (Online)

How to receive and maintain the fire of God

Saturday, May 29, 7:30–9:30 p.m. (Japan time)

Regardless of the name given to the era we now live in, we know God is pouring out His fire like never before. He promised that Jesus would baptize us in the Holy Spirit and fire (Matt. 3:11). This will be our second online Fire Conference. The focus is on both receiving the fire and keeping it burning in us for His purposes and harvest. Join us! (Available languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Singhalese, and Tamil)

Pentecost—The Promise of the Holy Spirit

This is Pentecost season. The Hebrew feast of Pentecost was May 16–18, and Pentecost will be celebrated this Sunday, May 23, by those who use the Western calendar. Pentecost is about God, our Father, fulfilling His promise by sending the Holy Spirit.

Jesus described the Holy Spirit as our comforter and helper (John 14:16) who will abide with us forever. He comes to us when we first believe and receive Jesus. Paul describes the Holy Spirit as the sign or seal that we have become a child of God. Ephesians 1:13 states, “In whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.”

But when Jesus told them to “wait for the promise of the Father” (Acts 1:4), He was referring to an outpouring of power. He told them they would be “clothed with power from on high” (Luke 24:49).

Power for harvest. He is sending you! The outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the 120 in the upper room resulted in immediate harvest. That same day, over 3,000 became new believers in Jesus. The early church quickly multiplied, and in a few generations touched the entire world. That same clothing of power is available to us today, and we need to be sure we have received Him and are likewise clothed with power from on high.

But we also need to recognize an urgency and a new reality. We are at the beginning of the end-time harvest. Many are saying that perhaps this is the start of a billion-soul harvest. Whatever nomenclature we use doesn’t matter. What does matter is that we are filled with the Holy Spirit. He is clothing us with this power so He can send us as witnesses. First at home, then to our neighborhoods and workplaces, and in ever-expanding circles. The more we act as witnesses, the more of the power of the Holy Spirit we will experience. God wants great harvest. He needs you and me as witnesses. I feel many will look back in a few months’ time and be amazed how they have become very fruitful “witnesses.”

The Holy Spirit is being poured out on non-believers too! When Peter explained to the crowds just why they could see tongues of fire appearing on the heads of the 120 and why they suddenly were able to speak in multiple tongues, he quoted from Joel 2, saying, “And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh” (Acts 2:17). We know when the Holy Spirit is poured upon those who believe Jesus, they are filled with Him—and also filled with His power, love, zeal, and presence.

But since the text says “on all flesh,” we have to assume that somehow as the Holy Spirit is poured out, He touches non-believers’ hearts. Somehow this “touching” prepares them or makes them receptive.

To be sure, there were those in the crowd in Acts 2 who mocked and resisted. Perhaps their mindset was so hardened or obstinate that they couldn’t open their hearts. But much of the multitude seemed to be open. It’s amazing that so many believed so quickly. Why? I believe it’s because they also were recipients of that outpouring. They were touched and prepared by the Holy Spirit. Thus, when Peter began to explain about Jesus and salvation in His name, they were easily able to believe. Their hearts had been suddenly prepared by the Holy Spirit.

So here we are at a time of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit is being poured out. It causes us believers to both want to be—and to actually be—witnesses. The more we receive this outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the more we will see that the Holy Spirit is also falling on non-believers around us, preparing them.

We can trust the Holy Spirit to lead us and connect us with these “prepared” souls. Harvest will begin.

Thanks for praying. Be blessed.

Ron and Teddy

Those who have special needs for ministry can contact us here. A special team is there to minister to you.

The Month of Covenant and Blessing

Sivan: The Third Month of the Hebrew Year, May 12–June 10, 2021

God so very, very much wants to bless us. Just like a good husband wants to provide for his wife, or like a father wants the best for his children, God wants to bless us. He does this on the basis of covenant. He is our Father. We may mess up at times; we may make mistakes. That’s not the key issue. Mistakes and failures are an expected part of the growing process. What’s important is to keep walking in the security and surety of the covenant He has made with us. Keep trusting. If you stumble and fall, get back up and keep on walking with Him. He truly wants to bless. Let this Pentecost be a time of shifting/holding onto our covenant with Him like never before.

The blessings for the month of Sivan may be found here.

This Week’s Broadcast Schedule

Below is a list and times (Japan Standard Time) of public meetings you can connect with via Ron’s public Facebook page.

  • MPP, Mon.–Fri., 6:00–6:45 a.m. (English/Japanese)

  • Fri., May 21, 7:00–8:00 p.m., Apostolic for Russia (English/Russian)

  • Sat., May 22, 11:00 a.m., Pentecost Celebration (Arise 5 Singapore)

  • Sat. May 22, 8:30 p.m., Apostolic Center (English/Chinese)

  • Sun., May 23, 7:30–8:30 p.m., Prophetic and Prayer for Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire (first thirty minutes English/Japanese; second thirty minutes English/Chinese)

Morning Prophetic Prayer (MPP) is held Monday–Friday morning from 6:00–6:45 a.m. (Japan time) in English and Japanese.

You can join the live broadcast via Facebook (Ron’s public page), or can access the other channels to view the recording at your convenience:

No MPP May 31–June 1 (Mon.–Tues.).

Giving to Ron Sawka Ministries

1. Thank you so much for your giving, which plays such a vital role in helping us to do what the Lord has assigned to us. No matter what amount the Lord puts on your heart, we are so very, very thankful.

2. You may also feel led to become an Apostolic Fund Supporter (AFS) by pledging to give $1,200 (US) or its equivalent for the year.

Yes, I Commit to Being an Apostolic Fund Supporter for 2021


Number of pledges:

Family members you want prayer for:



Also please be sure to attach a recent photo of you and your family (if applicable).

Please send us this information with the subject line “2021 Apostolic Fund Supporter.”

Bank Info and Online Giving (From Any Nation)

You can give online by credit card or debit card at

In addition to online/credit card giving which can be used from any nation, you may give via the following:


Japan Post Bank: 029 Branch

Account No: 0142537

Account Name: CTF Japan

Account Code Number: 00250-6-142537

Direct Bank Transfers from Overseas

Account name/number: Ronald W. Sawka 93642377

Bank name: SMBC Trust Bank

Address: Nishi Shimbashi Square 1-3-1 Nishi Shimbashi, Minato Ku, Tokyo Japan 105-0003


Intermediate bank name and SWIFT code: Sumitomo Mitsubishi Bank Corp. SMBC JPJT


CTF World USA, 2304 Page Rd, Durham, NC 27703. Please make out the check to CTF World. Be sure to clearly designate “For Ron Sawka Ministries.”


POSBank 149-42129-7 (account name Ronald W. Sawka)


Bank: China Trust

Account Name: Ronald Wade Sawka

Account Number: 42854 0413470


KEB Bank 172-18-47989-8 Ronald Wade Sawka

KEB HANA BANK 249-890619-84307 Ronald Wade Sawka


Since we do not have a Canada office, we suggest you use the credit card option (Unfortunately, the receipt is not tax deductible for Canada.)

Thank you for your giving!


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