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2020/9/2 You Are Being Blessed Because God Is There!

Updated: Sep 8, 2020

Ron Sawka Ministries

Sept 2, 2020; Elul 13, 5780

“The Lord blessed the Egyptian’s house for Joseph’s sake; and the blessing of the Lord was on all that he had in the house and in the field” (Gen. 39:5).

“A grain offering for remembering, for bringing iniquity to remembrance” (Num. 5:15).

“But showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments” (Exod. 20:6).

You Are Being Blessed Because God Is There!

We had a powerful time during Monday’s MPP (August 31). The Lord led us to begin making declarations because of His presence. Because God is there, so much will happen. We found ourselves declaring that “America will stand.” We also found ourselves declaring over each of our nations that they belong to God and that now is a time of visitation. Two reasons why we can say this are as follows: the whole earth belongs to the Lord; and He commands His blessing on His people.

I feel this is an urgent message. Most of us are cognizant of the first because of verses like Psalm 24:1, which states, “The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness.” But the second truth is equally important. The Lord wants us to increasingly know that His favor is on us. We can’t earn it and we certainly don’t deserve it. He puts it upon us because He loves us and has chosen us. He has entered into covenant with us. Our part is to love Him “with all our heart, soul, and mind” (Luke 10:27). His part is to bless us. This is so important. He wants us to have understanding and expectation that because we happen to live in a certain place—a neighborhood, a city, a state, and a country—He can put His blessing there. He wants to bless us so that what is around us gets blessed by extension.

We are “lightning rods” that attract God’s favor!

It’s as if we are “lightning rods” for God’s blessing. Just as lightning is drawn to strike a lightning rod, so the blessing of the Lord is drawn to where His people are. Potiphar understood that everything he had was blessed simply because Joseph happened to be there. Genesis 39:5 states, “The Lord blessed the Egyptian’s house for Joseph’s sake; and the blessing of the Lord was on all that he had in the house and in the field.” Likewise, Nebuchadnezzar understood that his kingdom was blessed because Daniel was there. This is also true for you and for me and for anyone who loves and serves the Lord. The Lord commands blessing over us, and that blessing also affects others who happen to live in the same vicinity. This is especially true for your family. In Exodus 20:6, we see that God shows “love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.”

Iniquity cannot remain hidden; Jesus already paid the sacrifice

I have found that most people’s default thinking tends to go in a negative direction when they hear the promise of God’s favor. They want the blessing, but are pretty sure they are not qualified to receive it. Or they feel something is too complicated so they can’t become whole enough or able to love the Lord with all their “heart, soul, and mind” (Luke 10:25).

The good news is Jesus has paid the sacrifice. (One of these days we will have to do a study on all the different sacrifices. Each one accomplished something important, and we know Jesus fulfilled them all for us. It’s a fascinating study.) However, recently I noticed something special about one of them, a grain sacrifice, which was an “offering for remembering, for bringing iniquity to remembrance” (Num. 5:15). That spoke to me strongly. A sacrifice to expose hidden iniquity. This is incredible. We all know that iniquity can be in us because of our bloodline. Sometimes these iniquities are hidden and we are not conscious of them. Iniquity, of course, brings a curse. So if there is a hidden iniquity in me, then it is something that resists the life of God in me. The devil uses it to hinder and block, as well as to execute curses.

So what an amazing thing that there was this grain offering to expose hidden sin/iniquity. Jesus has already fulfilled that for each of us. You can ask the Holy Spirit to reveal anything that might be hidden in you or in your bloodline that the devil uses to resist God in your life.

The Holy Spirit will reveal it. You will be set free. Jesus already paid the full price!

Thanks so much for praying!

Ron and Teddy





















2020年9月2日; 5780年以祿月13日





週一(8月31日)的先知性早禱會是一段大有能力的經歷。在主的同在之下,祂帶領我們發出宣告。許多事的發生,只因為神在那裡。我們宣告“美國將堅立”,並且宣告我們所在的各個國家是屬於神的,現在是造訪的時刻。我們能這樣宣告有兩個原因:1. 全地都屬乎主;2. 神對祂的百姓發命祝福。










Ron and Teddy Sawka榮撒卡和泰迪撒卡


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