Ron Sawka Ministries/Catch the Fire Weekly Update
April 22, 2020; Nisan 28, 5780
“And thus you shall eat it: with a belt on your waist, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand. So you shall eat it in haste” (Exod. 12:11).
“Finally Brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you” (2 Thess. 3:1).
Websites Launching—Catch the Fire Japan, Ron Sawka Ministries
As soon as I began to write this update, I started to chuckle, remembering the above verse about the very first Passover. They had to eat that meal in haste. They had to have their belts tightened, sandals on, and their staffs at hand. They had to be ready to move quickly.
That’s how it’s been for us the past few days. You may have heard that last week the old Arise 5 website crashed. Our intercessors immediately responded it must be a sign from the Lord to hurry up and get out of the old and into the new.
By the time you receive this update, two new websites should be up. What? Two new websites? Yes, two (kind of like a double anointing). Catch the Fire Japan is already up and focuses on the apostolic network in Japan and will eventually feature the countries we are working in. The other is called Ron Sawka Ministries ( (not active at the time of posting), and should be launched soon.
Please be sure to check out “About Ron Sawka” on the front page to read a more in-depth story of how the Lord led us into this whole process in the first place. Every time I think about it, it blesses me and I find myself filled with excitement and anticipation. I trust it will bless you in the same way.
Prayer—The Lord Hears Everything!
Thanks so much for praying for us, and please continue to do so. Lately the Holy Spirit has kind of “arrested” me to pay more attention to things being prayed for. He even told me to take note of the opening prayers of a session. I began to do that, and then look back at what happened or went on in that particular session. Sure enough, each time I could specifically see how the Holy Spirit indeed had moved to answer the opening prayer. Often it was subtle—kind of under the radar. But it was quite amazing really. If I watched for it, then each time I could see that indeed the Lord had moved and worked according to that opening prayer.
It’s amazing, and humbling to know God listens to everything we say—to everything we pray. It all matters to Him. Every prayer counts!
MPP Needs Publicity to Spread in Japan Now
With that in mind, would you please pray for MPP in Japan? Christians who are quarantined in many other nations have an easier time than Christians quarantined here in Japan. Why? The amount of Christian materials is far more limited. In the US and Canada, for example, one could watch nonstop Christian webcasts or read online materials and still barely scratch the surface of what’s available. Not so in Japan. Online materials are quite limited.
Thus, I feel that MPP can be a blessing to many people. And we do have the promise of the Lord from some time ago that He wants to use MPP for new people to get healed, to meet Him, and to receive and believe Him as Savior. So I am asking everyone to do these two things:
Please pray for news of MPP to spread quickly. Pray according to 2 Thessalonians 3:1 “that the word of the Lord may run (spread) swiftly.”
Please use your social media networks to spread the word (see links below). Please spread the word far and wide. Don’t hold back. Tell anyone and everyone.
Thanks so much for praying!
Ron and Teddy
ロン・サーカ・ミニストリー/Catch The Fireウィークリーアップデート
2020年4月24日 聖書暦5780年ニサンの月30日
ウェブサイトが公開:Catch The Fireジャパンとロン・サーカ・ミニストリー
数日間、私たちも同じでした。ご存知かと思いますが、先週、Arise 5の古いウェブサイトはクラッシュしました。私たちのとりなし者は、古いものから新しいものに進む必要があるというしるしだと感じていたそうです。
本アップデートが届く頃には、二つの新しいウェブサイトが公開されています。二つのウェブサイトとは?そうです。二つです。(二つの油注ぎの様です。)Catch The Fireジャパン(はすでに公開されており、日本国内のネットワークを中心に情報が記載されています。もう一つはロン・サーカ・ミニストリー(です。
どうやってArise 5とCatch The Fireが統合することになったことについての詳細は、ロン・サーカ・ミニストリーのウェブペイジの「ロナルドについて」のページで確認してください。統合するきっかけについて考える度に祝福され、喜びと期待感で満たされます。読んだ方々にも同じ様な祝福が感じ取れると思います。