2023/11/29 Trends as We Approach End-Time Harvest
2023/11/15 Celebration—Our Greatest Weapon in Dark Times
Kislev: Blessings for the Hebrew Month
2023/11/8 God Has Released a New Depth of His River
2023/10/25 He Really Is Releasing an Anointing for Healing and Miracles!
2023/10/18 War in Israel and Release of Healing for Harvest
2023/10/11 If End-Time Harvest Has Begun, Then We Need to Begin Now!
Cheshvan:Blessings for the Hebrew Month
2023/10/4 A River Flowing From Us (Feast of Tabernacles)
2023/09/27 Coming Out in the Power of the Holy Spirit
2023/9/20 The Harvest Is Ready and So Are We!
2023/9/13 Breaking Family Strongholds
2023/9/6 Preparation by Breaking Final Strongholds
Tishrei:Blessings for the Hebrew Month
2023/8/30 Eleven Reasons to Praise the Lord
2023/8/23 The Favor of the Lord Is on You—Ask Boldly!
Elul: Blessings for the Hebrew Month
2023/7/27 Prophetic Activation and New Apostolic Centers
2023/7/19 Strategy 4—May Your Meditation Be Sweet to Him
Av: Blessings for the Hebrew Month